Luncheon meat salad


Luncheon meat salad - Egyptian cheeses - Luncheon meat is one of the processed meats that is included in many meals that many people eat. In addition to its wonderful taste, luncheon meat is one of the quick and easy meals that can be eaten anywhere without the need for fire or cooking utensils.

  • The calories in luncheon meat are high, amounting to 32 grams, and it also contains saturated fat at a rate of 12 grams, and it contains polyunsaturated fats at a rate of about three and seven tenths of a gram, and monounsaturated fats at a rate of 15 grams, so we find that luncheon meat contains high levels of fat, and we should not eat a lot of it if we want to lose weight.
  • Luncheon meat contains 55 milligrams of cholesterol, potassium, sodium, and sugars at a rate of two and three tenths of a gram. It does not contain any types of dietary fiber, so it does not cause a feeling of fullness. It is also sugar-free, and contains protein levels of up to 13 grams. Luncheon meat is free of all vitamins that are beneficial to the body.
  • Luncheon meat contains 9 mg of calcium, 9/10 mg of iron, and a percentage of magnesium.
  • Luncheon meat does not contain any beneficial nutrients, so it should not be relied upon as a main meal. We should not eat luncheon meat on a regular basis because eating too much of it causes many diseases.